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iced is a cross-platform GUI library for Rust. It is inspired by Elm, a delightful functional language for building web applications.

As a GUI library, iced helps you build graphical user interfaces for your Rust applications.

iced is strongly focused on simplicity and type-safety. As a result, iced tries to provide simple building blocks that can be put together with strong typing to reduce the chance of runtime errors.

This book will:

  • Introduce you to the fundamental ideas of iced.
  • Teach you how to build interactive applications with iced.
  • Emphasize principles to scale and grow iced applications.

Before proceeding, you should have some basic familiarity with Rust. If you are new to Rust or feel lost at some point, I recommend you to read the official Rust book.


Let’s start from the basics! You are probably very familiar with graphical user interfaces already. You can find them on your phone, computer, and most interactive electronic devices. In fact, you are most likely reading this book using one!

At their essence, graphical user interfaces are applications that display some information graphically to a user. This user can then choose to interact with the application—normally using some kind of device; like a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen.

Interface displays, user interacts

The user interactions may cause the application to update and display new information as a result, which in turn may cause further user interactions, which in turn cause further updates… And so on. This quick feedback loop is what causes the feeling of interactivity.

Note: In this book, we will refer to graphical user interfaces as GUIs, UIs, user interfaces, or simply interfaces. Technically, not all interfaces are graphical nor user-oriented; but, given the context of this book, we will use all of these terms interchangeably.

Dissecting an Interface

Since we are interested in creating user interfaces, let’s take a closer look at them. We will start with a very simple one: the classical counter interface. What is it made of?

A classical counter interface

As we can clearly see, this interface has three visibly distinct elements: two buttons with a number in between. We refer to these visibly distinct elements of a user interface as widgets or elements.

Some widgets may be interactive, like a button. In the counter interface, the buttons can be used to trigger certain interactions. Specifically, the button at the top can be used to increment the counter value, while the button at the bottom can be used to decrement it.

We can also say that user interfaces are stateful—there is some state that persists between interactions. The counter interface displays a number representing the counter value. The number displayed will change depending on the amount of times we press the buttons. Pressing the increment button once will result in a different displayed value compared to pressing it twice.

A dissected counter interface

The GUI Trinity

Our quick dissection has successfully identified three foundational ideas in a user interface:

  • Widgets — the distinct visual elements of an interface.
  • Interactions — the actions that may be triggered by some widgets.
  • State — the underlying condition or information of an interface.

These ideas are connected to each other, forming another feedback loop!

Widgets produce interactions when a user interacts with them. These interactions then change the state of the interface. The changed state propagates and dictates the new widgets that must be displayed. These new widgets may then produce new interactions, which can change the state again… And so on.

The GUI trinity

These ideas and their connections make up the fundamental architecture of a user interface. Therefore, creating a user interface must inevitably consist in defining these widgets, interactions, and state; as well as the connections between them.

Different Ideas, Different Nature

The three foundational ideas of an interface differ quite a bit when it comes to reusability.

The state and the interactions of an interface are very specific to the application and its purpose. If I tell you that I have an interface with a numeric value and increment and decrement interactions, you will very easily guess I am talking about a counter interface.

However, if I tell you I have an interface with two buttons and a number… It’s quite trickier for you to guess the kind of interface I am talking about. It could be anything!

This is because widgets are generally very generic and, therefore, more reusable. Most interfaces display a combination of familiar widgets—like buttons and numbers. In fact, users expect familiar widgets to always behave a certain way. If they don’t behave properly, the interface will be unintuitive and have poor user experience.

While widgets are generally very reusable; the specific widget configuration dictated by the application state and its interactions is very application-specific. A button is generic; but a button that has a “+” label and causes a value increment when pressed is very specific.

All of this means that, when we are creating a specific user interface, we don’t want to focus on implementing every familiar widget and its behavior. Instead, we want to leverage widgets as reusable building blocks—independent of our application and provided by some library—while placing our focus on the application-specific parts of the fundamental architecture: state, interactions, how the interactions change the state, and how the state dictates the widgets.

The application-specific parts of a GUI

The Elm Architecture

It turns out that the four application-specific parts of the architecture of an interface are also the four foundational ideas of The Elm Architecture.

The Elm Architecture is a pattern for architecting interactive programs that emerges naturally in Elm, a delightful purely functional programming language for reliable web applications.

Patterns and ideas that emerge in purely functional programming languages tend to work very well in Rust because they leverage immutability and referential transparency—both very desirable properties that not only make code easy to reason about, but also play nicely with the borrow checker.

Furthermore, The Elm Architecture not only emerges naturally in Elm, but also when simply dissecting user interfaces and formalizing their inner workings; like we just did in this chapter.

The Elm Architecture uses a different—if not more precise—nomenclature for its fundamental parts:

  • Model — the state of the application.
  • Messages — the interactions of the application.
  • Update logic — how the messages change the state.
  • View logic — how the state dictates the widgets.

These are different names, but they point to the same exact fundamental ideas we have already discovered and, therefore, can be used interchangeably.

The Elm Architecture

Note: In iced, the names state and messages are used more often than model and interactions, respectively.

First Steps

But enough with the theory. It’s about time we start writing some code!

iced embraces The Elm Architecture as the most natural approach for architecting interactive applications. Therefore, when using iced, we will be dealing with the four main ideas we introduced in the previous chapter: state, messages, update logic, and view logic.

In the previous chapter, we dissected and studied the classical counter interface. Let’s try to build it in Rust while leveraging The Elm Architecture.

A classical counter interface


Let’s start with the state—the underlying data of the application.

In Rust, given the ownership and borrowing rules, it is extremely important to think carefully about the data model of your application.

I encourage you to always start by pondering about the data of your application and its different states—not only those that are possible, but also those that must be impossible. Then try to leverage the type system as much as you can to Make Impossible States Impossible.

For our counter interface, all we need is a counter value. Since we have both increment and decrement interactions, the number could potentially be negative. This means we need a signed integer.

Also, we know some users are crazy and they may want to count a lot of things. Let’s give them 64 bits to play with:

struct Counter {
    value: i64,

If a crazy user counted 1000 things every second, it would take them ~300 million years to run out of numbers. Let’s hope that’s enough.


Next, we need to define our messages—the interactions of the application.

Our counter interface has two interactions: increment and decrement. Technically, we could use a simple boolean to encode these interactions: true for increment and false for decrement, for instance.

But… we can do better in Rust! Interactions are mutually exclusive—when we have an interaction, what we really have is one value of a possible set of values. It turns out that Rust has the perfect data type for modeling this kind of idea: the enum.

Thus, we can define our messages like this:

enum Message {

Simple enough! This also sets us up for the long-term. If we ever wanted to add additional interactions to our application—like a Reset interaction, for instance—we could just introduce additional variants to this type. Enums are very powerful and convenient.

Update Logic

Now, it’s time for our update logic—how messages change the state of the application.

Basically, we need to write some logic that given any message can update any state of the application accordingly. The simplest and most idiomatic way to express this logic in Rust is by defining a method named update in our application state.

For our counter interface, we only need to properly increment or decrement the value of our Counter struct based on the Message we just defined:

impl Counter {
    fn update(&mut self, message: Message) {
        match message {
            Message::Increment => {
                self.value += 1;
            Message::Decrement => {
                self.value -= 1;

Great! Now we are ready to process user interactions. For instance, imagine we initialized our counter like this:

let mut counter = Counter { value: 0 };

And let’s say we wanted to simulate a user playing with our interface for a bit—pressing the increment button twice and then the decrement button once. We could easily compute the final state of our counter with our update logic:


This would cause our Counter to end up with a value of 1:

assert_eq!(counter.value, 1);

In fact, we have just written a simple test for our application logic:

fn it_counts_properly() {
    let mut counter = Counter { value: 0 };


    assert_eq!(counter.value, 1);

Notice how easy this was to write! So far, we are just leveraging very simple Rust concepts. No dependencies in sight! You may even be wondering… “Where is the GUI code?!”

This is one of the main advantages of The Elm Architecture. As we discovered in the previous chapter, widgets are the only fundamental idea of an interface that is reusable in nature. All the parts we have defined so far are application-specific and, therefore, do not need to know about the UI library at all!

The Elm Architecture properly embraces the different nature of each part of a user interface—decoupling state, messages, and update logic from widgets and view logic.

View Logic

Finally, the only part left for us to define is our view logic—how state dictates the widgets of the application.

Here is where the magic happens! In view logic, we bring together the state of the application and its possible interactions to produce a visual representation of the user interface that must be displayed to the user.

A classical counter interface

As we have already learned, this visual representation is made of widgets—the visibly distinct units of an interface. Most widgets are not application-specific and they can be abstracted and packaged into reusable libraries. These libraries are normally called widget toolkits, GUI frameworks, or simply GUI libraries.

And this is where iced comes in—finally! iced is a cross-platform GUI library for Rust. It packages a fair collection of ready-to-use widgets; buttons and numbers included. Exactly what we need for our counter.

The Buttons

Our counter interface has two buttons. Let’s see how we can define them using iced.

In iced, widgets are independent values. The same way you can have an integer in a variable, you can have a widget as well. These values are normally created using a helper function from the widget module.

For our buttons, we can use the button helper:

use iced::widget::button;

let increment = button("+");
let decrement = button("-");

That’s quite simple, isn’t it? For now, we have just defined a couple of variables for our buttons.

As we can see, widget helpers may take arguments for configuring parts of the widgets to our liking. In this case, the button function takes a single argument used to describe the contents of the button.

The Number

We have our buttons sitting nicely in our increment and decrement variables. How about we do the same for our counter value?

While iced does not really have a number widget, it does have a more generic text widget that can be used to display any kind of text—numbers included:

use iced::widget::text;

let counter = text(15);

Sweet! Like button, text also takes an argument used to describe its contents. Since we are just getting started, let’s simply hardcode 15 for now.

The Layout

Alright! We have our two buttons in increment and decrement, and our counter value in counter. That should be everything, right?

Not so fast! The widgets in our counter interface are displayed in a specific order. Given our three widgets, there is a total of six different ways to order them. However, the order we want is: increment, counter, and decrement.

A very simple way of describing this order is to create a list with our widgets:

let interface = vec![increment, counter, decrement];

But we are still missing something! It’s not only the order that is specific, our interface also has a specific visual layout.

The widgets are positioned on top of each other, but they could very well be positioned from left to right instead. There is nothing in our description so far that talks about the layout of our widgets.

In iced, layout is described using… well, more widgets! That’s right. Not all widgets produce visual results directly; some may simply manage the position of existing widgets. And since widgets are just values, they can be nested and composed nicely.

The kind of vertical layout that we need for our counter can be achieved with the column widget:

use iced::widget::column;

let interface = column![increment, counter, decrement];

This is very similar to our previous snippet. iced provides a column! macro for creating a column out of some widgets in a particular order—analogous to vec!.

The Interactions

At this point, we have in our interface variable a column representing our counter interface. But if we actually tried to run it, we would quickly find out that something is wrong.

Our buttons would be completely disabled. Of course! We have not defined any interactions for them. Notice that we have yet to use our Message enum in our view logic. How is our user interface supposed to produce messages if we don’t specify them? Let’s do that now.

In iced, every widget has a specific type that enables further configuration using simple builder methods. The button helper returns an instance of the Button type, which has an on_press method we can use to define the message it must produce when a user presses the button:

use iced::widget::button;

let increment = button("+").on_press(Message::Increment);
let decrement = button("-").on_press(Message::Decrement);

Awesome! Our interactions are wired up. But there is still a small detail left. A button can be pressed multiple times. Therefore, the same button may need to produce multiple instances of the same Message. As a result, we need our Message type to be cloneable.

We can easily derive the Clone trait—as well as Debug and Copy for good measure:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {

In The Elm Architecture, messages represent events that have occurred—made of pure data. As a consequence, it should always be easy to derive Debug and Clone for our Message type.

The View

We are almost there! There is only one thing left to do: connecting our application state to the view logic.

Let’s bring together all the view logic we have written so far:

use iced::widget::{button, column, text};

// The buttons
let increment = button("+").on_press(Message::Increment);
let decrement = button("-").on_press(Message::Decrement);

// The number
let counter = text(15);

// The layout
let interface = column![increment, counter, decrement];

If we ran this view logic, we would now be able to press the buttons. However, nothing would happen as a result. The counter would be stuck—always showing the number 15. Our interface is completely stateless!

Obviously, the issue here is that our counter variable contains a text widget with a hardcoded 15. Instead, what we want is to actually display the value field of our Counter state. This way, when a button is pressed and our update logic is triggered, the text widget will display the new value.

We can easily do this by running our view logic in a method of our Counter—just like we did with our update logic:

use iced::widget::{button, column, text};

impl Counter {
    fn view(&self) {
        // The buttons
        let increment = button("+").on_press(Message::Increment);
        let decrement = button("-").on_press(Message::Decrement);

        // The number
        let counter = text(self.value);

        // The layout
        let interface = column![increment, counter, decrement];

Our counter variable now will always have a text widget with the current value of our Counter. Great!

However, and as you may have noticed, this view method is completely useless—it constructs an interface, but then… It does nothing with it and throws it away!

In iced, constructing and configuring widgets has no side effects. There is no “global context” you need to worry about in your view code.

Instead of throwing the interface away, we need to return it. Remember, the purpose of our view logic is to dictate the widgets of our user interface; and the content of the interface variable is precisely the description of the interface we want:

use iced::widget::{button, column, text, Column};

impl Counter {
    fn view(&self) -> Column<Message> {
        // The buttons
        let increment = button("+").on_press(Message::Increment);
        let decrement = button("-").on_press(Message::Decrement);

        // The number
        let counter = text(self.value);

        // The layout
        let interface = column![increment, counter, decrement];


Tada! Notice how the view method needs a return type now. The returned type is Column because the column! macro produces a widget of this type—just like button produces a widget of the Button type.

You may also have noticed that this Column type has a generic type parameter. This type parameter simply specifies the type of messages the widget may produce. In this case, it takes our Message because the increment and decrement buttons inside the column produce messages of this type.

iced has a strong focus on type safety—leveraging the type system and compile-time guarantees to minimize runtime errors as much as possible.

And well… That’s it! Our view logic is done! But wait… It’s a bit verbose right now. Since it’s such a simple interface, let’s just inline everything:

A classical counter interface
use iced::widget::{button, column, text, Column};

impl Counter {
    fn view(&self) -> Column<Message> {

That’s much more concise. It even resembles the actual interface! Since creating widgets just yields values with no side effects; we can move things around in our view logic without worrying about breaking other stuff. No spooky action at a distance!

And that’s all there is to our counter interface. I am sure you can’t wait to run it. Shall we?

This chapter documents a revision of iced not yet officially released. If you enjoy living on the edge, you can directly rely on this revision in your Cargo.toml:

git = ""
rev = "cdb18e610a72b4a025d7e1890140393adee5b087"

If, on the other hand, you only want to quickly run the counter we just wrote using the latest release (boring!), check out the counter example in the repository and the API reference of the Sandbox trait.

The Runtime

In the previous chapter we built the classical counter interface using iced and The Elm Architecture. We focused on each fundamental part—one at a time: state, messages, update logic, and view logic.

But now what? Yes, we have all the fundamental parts of a user interface—as we learned during our dissection—but it is unclear how we are supposed to bring it to life.

It seems we are missing something that can put all the parts together and run them in unison. Something that creates and runs the fundamental loop of a user interface—displaying widgets to a user and reacting to any interactions.

This something is called the runtime. You can think of it as the environment where the feedback loop of a user interface takes place. The runtime is in charge of every part of the loop: initializing the state, producing messages, executing the update logic, and running our view logic.

The Runtime

Another way to picture the runtime is by imagining a huge engine with four fundamental parts missing. Our job is to fill in these parts—and then the engine can run!

A Magical Runtime

Let’s try to get a better understanding of the lifetime of an interface by exploring the internals of a basic (although very magical!) runtime.

In fact, we have actually started writing a runtime already! When we implemented the update logic of our counter, we wrote a very small test that simulated a user:

fn it_counts_properly() {
    let mut counter = Counter { value: 0 };


    assert_eq!(counter.value, 1);

This is technically a very bare-bones runtime. It initializes the state, produces some interactions, and executes the update logic.

Of course, the interactions are made up, it is very short-lived, and there is no view logic involved—far from what we actually want. Still, it’s a great start! Let’s try to extend it, step by step.

Initializing the State

Our small runtime is already initializing the application state properly:

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter { value: 0 };

However, we can avoid hardcoding the initial state by leveraging the Default trait. Let’s just derive it:

struct Counter {
    value: i64

And then, we simply use Counter::default in our runtime:

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter::default();

The difference may be subtle, but we are separating concerns—we keep the initial state of our application close to the state definition and separated from the runtime. This way, we may eventually be able to make our runtime work with any application!

Displaying the Interface

Alright! We have our state initialized. What’s next? Well, before a user can interact with our interface, we need to display it to them.

That’s easy! We just need to open a window in whatever OS the user is running, initialize a proper graphics backend, and then render the widgets returned by our view logic—properly laid out, of course!

What? You have no clue of how to do that? Don’t worry, I have this magical function: display. It takes a reference to any interface and displays it to the user. It totally works!

use magic::display;

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter::default();

// Run our view logic to obtain our interface
let interface = counter.view();

// Display the interface to the user

See? Easy! Jokes aside, the purpose of this chapter is not for us to learn graphics programming; but for us to get a better understanding of how a runtime works. A little bit of magic doesn’t hurt!

Gathering the Interactions

The user is seeing our interface and is now interacting with it. We need to pay very good attention to all the interactions and produce all the relevant messages that our widgets specify.

How? With some more magic, of course! I just found this interact function inside of my top hat—it takes an interface and produces the messages that correspond to the latest interactions of the user.

use magic::{display, interact};

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter::default();

// Run our view logic to obtain our interface
let interface = counter.view();

// Display the interface to the user

// Process the user interactions and obtain our messages
let messages = interact(&interface);

Great! interact returns a list of messages for us—ready to be iterated.

Reacting to the Interactions

At this point, we have gathered the user interactions and we have turned them into a bunch of messages. In order to react properly to the user, we need to update our state accordingly for each message.

Luckily, there are no more magic tricks involved in this step—we can just use our update logic:

use magic::{display, interact};

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter::default();

// Run our view logic to obtain our interface
let interface = counter.view();

// Display the interface to the user

// Process the user interactions and obtain our messages
let messages = interact(&interface);

// Update our state by processing each message
for message in messages {

That should keep our state completely up-to-date with the latest user interactions.

Looping Around

Okay! Our state has been updated to reflect the user interactions. Now, we need to display the resulting interface again to the user. And after that, we must process any further interactions… And then, update our state once more. And then… Do it all over once again!

This is a loop! And no, loops aren’t very magical—not when we write Rust, at least:

use magic::{display, interact};

// Initialize the state
let mut counter = Counter::default();

// Be interactive. All the time! 
loop {
    // Run our view logic to obtain our interface
    let interface = counter.view();

    // Display the interface to the user

    // Process the user interactions and obtain our messages
    let messages = interact(&interface);

    // Update our state by processing each message
    for message in messages {

Congratulations! We just wrote a perfectly functional runtime—magical properties aside. We can clearly understand here how each fundamental part of The Elm Architecture fits in the lifetime of an application.


  • state is initialized once,
  • view logic runs once at startup and then after every batch of interactions,
  • and update logic runs for every interaction that created a message.

The Ice Wizard

“That’s cool and all”, you say, “but I am not a wizard and I still have no clue of how to run the counter interface I wrote. I have things to count!”

Fair enough! iced implements a very similar runtime to the one we just built. It comes bundled with its own magic1—so you don’t need to worry about learning the dark arts yourself.

If we want to run our Counter, all we have to do is call run:

use iced::widget::{button, column, text, Column};

pub fn main() -> iced::Result {
    iced::run("A cool counter", Counter::update, Counter::view)

struct Counter {
    value: i64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {

impl Counter {
    fn update(&mut self, message: Message) {
        match message {
            Message::Increment => {
                self.value += 1;
            Message::Decrement => {
                self.value -= 1;

    fn view(&self) -> Column<Message> {

We just give our application a cool title and then provide the update logic and view logic to the runtime—which then figures out the rest!

The runtime is capable of inferring the types for the state and messages out of the type signatures of our update logic and view logic. The state is initialized leveraging Default, as we described earlier.

Notice also that run can fail and, therefore, it returns an iced::Result. If all we are doing is run the application, we can return this result directly in main.

And that should be it! Have fun counting things for 300 million years—at least!

Note From the Author

You reached the end of the book, for now!

I think it should already serve as a quick introduction to the basics of the library. There is a lot more to unravel—but hopefully you are now at a point where you can start playing around, having fun, and experimenting further.

The book is far from finished—there are a lot more topics I want to cover here, namely:

  • Layout
  • Styling
  • Concurrency
  • Scaling Applications
  • Extending the Runtime
  • And More!

Until I get to write them, check out the Additional Resources chapter if you want to explore and learn further.

I hope that you enjoyed the read so far. Stay tuned!

— Héctor

Additional Resources

Here are some further resources you can use to learn more about iced while I am still working on this book:

Keep in mind that some of these resources may be using an older version of iced. However, while the specifics of the APIs used may change, the fundamental ideas of iced tend to be quite stable.

We also have a very welcoming and active community! Feel free to ask any questions in our Discord server or our Discourse forum.

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